Terms and conditions of meet a nanny
1. Contractual Relationship
These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern your ("You" or the "User") access to or use of Mexico, social networks, websites, content, products and services (the "Services") made available by MEET A NANNY and in conjunction with You, referred to as the "Parties".
By your access and use of the Services you agree to be legally bound by these Terms, which establish a contractual relationship between you and Meet a Nanny. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Services. These Terms expressly supersede any prior agreements or undertakings with you. Meet a Nanny may immediately terminate these Terms or any of the Services with respect to you, or generally cease offering or deny access to the Services or any part thereof, at any time for any reason.
For purposes of these Terms and the Services, please note that "Caregiver/nanny/babysitter" means the person acting as the final person authorized by Meet a Nanny to provide the Services in order to obtain, on behalf of the "Caregiver/nanny/babysitter", a personal service in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement entered into by such Caregiver and the Provider. All references to "Client" during the performance of these Conditions and the Services shall be construed as references to "User", "You" and/or "Parent/Guardian". For the purposes of these Conditions and the Services, "Service Agreement" means the private document signed by the Nanny and Meet a Nanny, by which the Nanny hires Meet a Nanny's intermediary and contact services for the recruitment and contact with the clients and/or users in accordance with the clauses described in the Service Agreement.
The company "Meet a Nanny" provides services exclusively as a nanny and/or caregiver provider, therefore, the nanny service provided is under the absolute responsibility of the parent / guardian.
Additional or supplemental terms and conditions may apply to certain Services, such as policies for a particular event, activity or promotion, and such additional terms and conditions will be communicated to you in connection with the applicable Services. Additional terms are set forth in addition to, and shall be deemed a part of, the Terms for purposes of the applicable Services. Additional Terms shall prevail over the Terms in the event of a conflict with respect to the applicable Services.
Meet a Nanny may modify the Terms relating to the Services from time to time. Modifications will be effective upon Meet a Nanny's posting of such updated Terms at this location or such modified policies or additional or supplemental terms and conditions on the applicable Service. Your continued access or use of the Services after such posting constitutes your consent to be bound by the Terms and any modifications thereto
2. The Services
The Services constitute a website and social networking site that allows Users to make use of the Services to make requests to enter into Service Agreements with independent Persons and/or Nanny's; as well as to request, arrange and/or plan services, as applicable, with independent third parties (caregivers) pursuant to an agreement with Meet a Nanny or certain affiliates of Meet a Nanny. Unless agreed to by Meet a Nanny in a separate written agreement with you, the Services are made available only for your personal, non-commercial use. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MEET A NANNY DOES NOT PROVIDE CHILD CARE SERVICES, THE CAREGIVERS ARE INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTIES, WHO ARE NOT EMPLOYED BY MEET A NANNY.
Booking process: For booking we require a deposit of 50 USD which will be taken as credit at the end of the service.
For babysitting in a hotel or babysitting in special events, please consider booking a nanny at least 24 hours or more in advance.
The minimum hours required for all services will be 4 hours.
3. Your use of the Services
You must register and fill out a form where you have to provide some personal information for the use of the services, such as your name, address, cell phone number, as well as at least one valid payment method (either a credit card or the possibility of cash payment). To obtain a babysitting service you must be at least 18 years old, or the legal age of majority as applicable by law. You agree to keep the information you provide accurate, complete and up to date. Failure to keep the information you provide accurate, complete and current, including having an invalid or expired payment method, may result in your inability to use the Services.
Requirements for use of the Service.
The Service is not available for use by persons under the age of 18. You may not authorize anyone other than the minor's "Guardian" to use the Service, and you may not allow anyone under the age of 18 to participate in using the Service. You agree to comply with all applicable laws when using the Services and may only use the Services for lawful purposes. In using the Services, you will not cause nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or damage to the Service Provider.
Obligations of the clients to use the Service
The parent/guardian or user understands that the babysitter and/or caregiver is not authorized to leave the property with the child(ren) without permission granted by the parent/guardian and consent of the Resort.
For services of 4hr or more, the parent/guardian or user is responsible for providing food and water to the babysitter.
In the event of having to feed the child(ren), the parent/guardian or user will provide the nanny designated by Meet a Nanny with the appropriate food and in sufficient quantity, as well as written instructions as to when the food will have to be administered to the child(ren).
In the event of having to feed the child(ren), the parent/guardian or user will provide the nanny designated by Meet a Nanny with the appropriate food and in sufficient quantity, as well as written instructions as to when the food will have to be administered to the child(ren).
The babysitting service can be performed in other areas of the Resort (except in the ocean) only through an express written authorization and/or consent of the parent/guardian or user hereof.
It is the responsibility of the user to inform if the child/children do suffer from any illness or are not under any medical treatment that requires supervision or special care. If there is any special condition Meet a Nanny reserves the right to provide the service and disclaims any liability arising from such medical condition or treatment.
In the event that a minor(s) damages the furnishings and/or equipment owned by the Resort; the parent/guardian will assume responsibility for payment of damages to the Resort.
4. Payment
You understand that use of the Services may result in charges for special requests, payment must be made at the end of the service directly by cash, card, PayPal @meetananny (charges a 5% fee, which must be added to the service total) or Venmo (Igor Iuriev).
In the event of any unforeseen circumstances whereby the parent/guardian arrives after the scheduled time of service, the parent/guardian accepts responsibility for paying the additional charge (a fraction of an hour is paid as a full hour).
The parent/guardian is responsible for any additional charges, which may be updated from start to end time.
5. Waivers and Limitation of Liability
Custodianship of the child(ren) even under normal circumstances involves some risks, therefore, in the event that the risks, therefore, in case of accident or emergency, the parent/guardian authorizes "Meet a Nanny" to take the most convenient and pertinent actions without any legal or financial liability.
The parent/guardian agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and delimit "Meet a Nanny", its agents, collaborators and directors from any claims related to the services provided by the nannies.
Meet a nanny shall not be liable for any damages, liability or loss arising out of: (i) your use of or reliance on the services or your inability to access or use the services; or (ii) any transaction or relationship between you and any caregiver, even if Meet a Nanny has been advised of the possibility of such damages. you acknowledge that caregivers shall be responsible for compliance with applicable law. Meet a Nanny's total liability to you in connection with the services for all damages, losses and judgments shall not exceed $1000.00 (thousand) pesos.
6. Applicable Law
Unless otherwise specified herein, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed exclusively under the laws of San Jose del Cabo Baja California Sur, Mexico, and/or applicable Federal Civil Law.
7. Other Provisions
Electronic Signatures
You acknowledge with respect to all declarations, acceptances and signatures in relation to the use of the Services that are made by electronic means and through the "click" that You carry out in the corresponding boxes, that You are bound to them as if You were signing a physical document.
In compliance with the applicable legal provisions on data messages, as applicable, the Parties agree that the applicable legislation recognizes the validity of messages by electronic means and therefore they acquire probative character and entity. Consequently, the Users understand that, by means of the crossing of messages by electronic means, they can give rise to the birth, modification and extinction of obligations, being of their exclusive responsibility the content, consequences, responsibilities and effects of the generated information.
BY ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU WAIVE CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE OR CLAIM COMPENSATION FOLLOWING AN ACCIDENT IN YOUR NAME AND ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN.In good and valuable consideration as it is my desire to engage the services of Meet a Nanny for the care of the child(ren) for the period of time specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Work Period"), I hereby declare under protest, warrant and agree that:
- I am the custodial parent or legal guardian of the Child or have obtained parental authorization to act on his or her behalf with respect to the Child for these purposes.
- I am aware and agree that there is a risk of serious injury, property damage, permanent disability and possible death due to the day-to-day activities that may occur during the Work Period. I freely and voluntarily assume and accept all such terms and all risks associated with the day-to-day activities that may be performed by the Child during the Work Period.
- That Meet a Nanny's care of the Child will take place on the premises of the hotel or residence where the custodial parent or legal guardian lives or is on vacation (the "Premises").
- That I have inspected the Premises, I am familiar with any possible hazards or dangers to the Child and have therefore personally instructed the Child of such hazards or dangers that may occur within the Premises during the Work Period.
- That I irrevocably agree to release and hold harmless Meet a Nanny, its owners, employees, associates, directors, agents, representatives from any and all claims, demands, judgments, costs and charges in connection with or arising out of the child care service, including but not limited to, bodily harm or injury to the Child except only for loss, damage or injury caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Meet a Nanny.
- I hereby grant permission to Meet a Nanny and its associates or employees full authority to take such action as they deem necessary regarding the health and safety of the Child in the event that I cannot be reached or in the situation where time is of the essence; and I fully release Meet to Nanny and its associates or employees from any liability in connection with such decisions.
- That I give permission for the Child to be treated on an emergency basis by Meet a Nanny or by a medical expert when deemed necessary and that all expenses arising from or related to such emergency shall be solely paid by me.
- I have reviewed and agreed to abide by Meet a Nanny's General Terms and Conditions described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and any instructions given by Meet a Nanny staff.
- This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties and may be modified only by a written instrument signed by both parties or their successors or assigns.
- This Agreement is binding upon me, the Child and our heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, successors, assigns and personal representatives of Meet a Nanny. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability shall apply only to such provision and everything else in this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.